Alphabet Theory

The alphabet used for sacred scripture was a highly designed, high-tech, system of 2d projections from 3d objects. This was not evolved from Egyptian. This was not designed in Nebuchadnezzar's day. It was designed to help identify fraudulent additions to inspired scripture. It was used as well for structural features of running text, not just spelling. This article explains some of the theory.

Acts 15

Acts 15 speaks of the recovery of David's fallen tent. David is thought to be the last king with possible access to a tent from Moses' day. That earlier tent was called a 'tent of time' or what we today would call a museum.

That tent was dedicated to training in the intricate language system of the 10 commandments. When that tent was lost, presumably by Solomon's actions, so too were the museum pieces contained within.

This allowed editors including and after Solomon to add uninspired sections to otherwise sacred scripture. In new Testament times a rebuild of that museum was apparently done in Capernaum in a house near the shoreline. This was the work of Joshua son of Mary between his age 12 appearance and the time of his baptism.

Some of the earliest disciples apparently helped and were trained there in this system. This is the place in Galilee where they were told to meet after the resurrection.

Acts 15 was most likely written at that museum as writing sacred scripture most likely required use of some of the models. Later NT editors edited the text to shift the location of that meeting to Jerusalem.

The museum pieces at Capernaum were not to survive in history, and the Acts 15 writers knew this. They write of a distant time when that tent would be rebuilt again. Importantly, that rebuilding is not of the tent itself, but the museum pieces that explain the design complexity of the language used to write inspired text.

The Alphabet Models

The models on this website are rediscovered by study of the Phoenician Alphabet. We call it the Paleo Alphabet to be very precise. We think this alphabet from Moses' day was used by Solomon to write a letter to Hiram, king of Phoenicia, in order for Solomon to obtain logs for his Pagan Temple at Jerusalem.

Hiram learned this alphabet this way. Hiram then used it in his international trading operations. Through that use it was picked up around the world. It became the basis for Latin, Greek and some suggest all the other phonetic alphabets on earth.

Once the alphabet was becoming embedded in cultures around the world, the alphabet itself was dropped from religious texts in the day of Nebuchadnezzar. The uninspired Hebrew was designed at that time by the hand of Daniel. It was then used as a target for a translation. Uninspired Greek was used in a similar way in New Testament times.


The New Testament gives a series of important parables on the recovery of inspired text. Matthew 15:21-28 tells the story of Joshua's visit with a woman at the border of Tyre and Sidon. This was Hiram's old territory. The crumbs from the table discussed in that story are the lowest pieces of food, a parable for the alphabet which must be recovered from her locale.

The 100 3d letter designs are the fully recovered crumbs from which entire loaves of inspired text can eventually be baked.

More Models

There are a series of additional 3d models still to be posted here. The are primarily dealing with display and storage of those letters. These models are specifically designed to show off the design relationships that students must learn to fully grasp the alphabet.

These are fundamental lessons to the study of scripture even when someone is reading a translation. We cannot stress this point enough.

Model Sizes

The design system is setup to handle different model scales. Currently only 2" models are made available publicly. This is all we have had time to test-print. Contact us if you need some other size.

Because the letter sizes eventually intersect bigger units of measure found in the text we have stopped designing in metric scale. 2" scale is just a bit bigger than 50mm for letter height when measured from the center of the pen used to draw the letters. At 1" scale, a run of 60 letter squares is 5 cubits long, exactly.


The 100 models that make up the base 3d model set are only just the start. They get displayed in a series of additional carriers. (Normally translated creatures.) Those carriers are the main artifacts that were found in the museum.

There are a bunch of lesser models too, for example the shepherd's staff, lamp, and Joseph's robe. These objects require more design work and much more plastic and time to 3d print.

These will eventually be posted to this website too. The alphabet sets currently available are the basic parts needed to understand the alphabet itself. This is the basis for a primary school level education in the manuscript design and construction.

The model carriers provide the rest of the education needed to understand the text and its intricate design.